Thursday 10 March 2011

Games Based Learning

We looked at the educational benefit of using Wii games in the classroom today (whilst having some fun playing them for ourselves). My group concentrated on Guitar Hero for the Wii, also thinking about the sister game Band Hero. I think this would be a good tool to use with a class, especially in the upper years. It could be used as a stimulus for a whole context for learning across different curricular areas and could be applied to nearly everything they do within the classroom.
The slideshow below shows some of the ideas we came up with and links to Curriculum for Excellence.

I feel that games based learning would be a huge motivational tool to use with children in the primary classroom. To begin with they may not realise they are learning new skills through playing the games that interest them. I would not hesitate to use a game with my own class to create a context that interests them for learning to take place.
Although the cost of starting to use games in the classroom could play a major factor in the practical side of this idea. Many schools could not afford the consoles and games and accessories to go along with making the games work for the class. Another drawback of using games to fuel children's learning is that games are continually updated and newer versions are released which could outdate the schools purchases quicker than would be preferred.

Using games to promote children's interest in their school work lends itself seamlessly to Curriculum for Excellence's principles. With careful planning from the teacher children will be challenged whilst enjoying the tasks they are undertaking, gaming also appeals to their generation and will therefore apply to the relevance principle. Using it as basis for a context area to incorporate different curricular areas (like exemplified with Guitar Hero) will create broad and deep learning for the children.


Cullblogging said...

I don't know why Myplick hasn't uploaded the slides properly. I tried again and it was the same, so I will leave it for another day and see if I can get it done.

Mrs Tonner-Saunders said...

I will have a look at the PowerPoint to see what is up. I'll try slideshare. Did you try the embed option?

Cullblogging said...

That is it embedded as it is. Even if I watch it on Myplick it hasn't loaded the content of the slides.